Sunday, March 20, 2016

A couple of days pass

On Day 4 of Todd and Shelley's intensive workshop on gravity we took Bernice on a bit of a road trip and visited Meteor Crater Az.  Yeah that one; the really big hole in the ground created about 50,000 years ago when the solar system said "catch".

They won't let you go to the bottom - It is pretty steep and given the theme - gravity.... But they do have a cheesy background in the 'museum' where one can get their photo taken as though...

Then today we went on a moderate, but very scenic hike back up the Jim Thompson trail, where gravity shows itself in the form of large boulders which have come tumbling off the cliffs overhead.  But there were no fallen rocks today, for which we sang Hosannas.

 Not what you expected - in two parts.  First not a rock, second
on closer inspection
 There are a bunch of critters all munching or hunting on this one blossom.

 And then an Iris at the site of a settler's cabin, It's been replanted , washed down a gully for a ways, but still kinda cool.

It is the first day of spring and though we left fairly early the sun was hot by the time we finished.At home they seem to be missing out on having a late snow storm - a good thing I reckon.   

now for some rocks and plants growing on them....


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