Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Winding down - and a last amazement.

We are leaving Sedona on Thursday - have to do some cleaning and chores (recycling etc) - and things like dismantling computer setup and pack our stuff so it all fits in the car.

This was going to be done mostly on Wed, but we will tackle some of it today as the weather has turned - and call me a wimp or spoiled, - hiking in sleet and winds gusting to 40 is beyond my comfort level.  Thus this is probably the last post for a bit especially given the vagaries of motel wifi. Though I will try as we are going to spend a few days in Utah and Colorado before launching across Kansas...

Yesterday we touched another traihead we have not done much hiking out of - probably the last major one, but it goes to show how much is available here.

And then there was this! Mountain unicycling.  Mountain biking is one  thing, but doing it on one wheel - takes it up an order of magnitude. It looks like fun, but Shelley is dubious about getting Harley to ride one too.

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