Saturday, February 27, 2016

This time it wasn't me.

As we were nearing the end our hike, a young woman fell off her bike into some cactus and earned the name "porcupine woman".  She accepted moniker with some good humor especially since Shelley was carrying our de-cactus tweezers and spent some time plucking barbed slivers our of her until her riding
companion noticed she was missing and returned to complete the job. 

So it's not just me having issues with gravity. 

Before that - the dog park where a swell time was had by all.  There were two dogs having a tug of war with a rope at full gallop and Harley did his usual jumping.

And then a slightly more ambitions hike (my knee is getting better) at a trailhead we had not been to before.   The trail lead closer to the cliffs and formations at the edge of the rim and offered opportunities we will probably go back and explore.

 some of the first wild flowers


 A close up of one of the pillars
 Even more magnification

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