Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Not setting sail into the path of a storm

Have been following the story of the large cruise liner which sailed into the path of a very well forecast storm.

I have been there, done that, in a variety of ways, though I am happy to say the tendency is much reduced these days.  This is indeed  a sign of progress.

I take some pride in my past ability to generally wait in port for a weather window, though I did not have corporate bean counters screaming at me.  I also know what it's like to get caught out.

This has very little to do with current goings on here, but today was an exercise in not overdoing it.  We took a hike on a trail we discovered last year and which we hiked  a lot, as among other things it is little used and we can let Harley run.

 I am becoming partial to photos showing the trail
 It is warming up - Shelley in her Junior Ranger vest over a Tee Shirt

It is, like many places here, very scenic with vistas changing as we climb and move towards the rocks.

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