Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bear Mountain - aptly named

No, did not see a bear, but the hike is one.  Reputed to be one of the  toughest climbs in the area, this hike - if you take it to the end, has an elevation gain of 2000 feet.

It's a great hike and rather than going through a canyon goes up a ridge to a mesa of sorts which has canyons falling off several sides of it.  And then there is another hill.

Today I went alone, this is not a Shelley hike for a variety of reasons most importantly - not placing her in a position where she is so at the mercy of gravitational waves.  She does not mind the prospect of a minor fall, but one where you get to recite the serenity prayer slowly before you hit bottom is beyond her comfort zone.

This was the starting point.  The real top is not visible.

 Self portrait  - yes I know it is below zero at home.  I won't describe the sweat.
 This was the view from the top of the first climb.

 And the it went up again.
 The views got progressively better

 1396 vertical feet of climbing was enough 
 The other side of the mountain
 The trail went up the light colored "hill" in the
 Looking down and out.
 Between the climbs the trail was moderately flat.

 The trail was steep both ways...

Still am intrigued bu plants growing in impossible spots....


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