Monday, March 9, 2015

Boynton Canyon, cliffs, ruins and past life regression.

 the hike is pretty easy until the last 1/2 mile when it goes up

about three miles each way - it is a fairly lush canyon

in fact the start of it skirts a luxury resort/development

All sorts of features, cliffs of all kinds many with black patina where water runs down, and sprinkled inside remains of a bunch of cliff dwellings.

Some are accessible depending on how frisky your inner mountain goat is on that given day.

Jimmy, a flute player and habitue of the canyon, helped me find a trail to one of the sites, we talked about many things including past lives and astral travel.  If only Butch could have been there. Then again, he probably was.

 A small ruin under an interesting layer

 shapes and a determined tree

 looking up canyon from one of the sites

A stone which had been used for grinding corn.


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