Friday, February 6, 2015


Being a duck in a desert does take a bit of doing.
And arguably, where they are is more oasis than desert.
They don't seem to worry about the distinctions.

American wigeons below and ring necked.  In another spot we saw Buffleheads, a cinnamon teal, a shoveler or three.

and reflections.

 these photos will require more processing as parts are blown out
but for now...

 A little farther "up stream" Must be amazing when it is running, but not sure you could get there safely.
note the pot hole the water has dug uner the lip of the fall
 suspect this depression was once under a lip of a fal,  the time frames involved boggle.

 This is within walking distance of our rented house.  How tough is that?
At least three kinds of lichen on a rock, are they happy together or are there "issues" ?

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