Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Alarms and confusions, and then quiet.

Harley who at heart is a dog, did a doggie thing and ate something, and, as happens, it did not sit well. Drama ensued.

There is a really good vet near by, and after xrays, meds, observation and now a bland diet he seems to be keeping food down.  While he was under care we went for a bit of a hike and were pleasantly surprised that the altitude (4500 feet) did not effect us too much, though that is not to say we don't have some getting back into shape to do.

Shelley posing part way up bell rock.  According to local lore this is one of the "vortexes" and maybe our climbing was aided by the forces.

 court house rock

Not so simple.
and the harder one tries,
the further it seems to recede.

Resisting the natural tendency
to over-think, and otherwise complicate
goes against central tenets
and core beliefs.

But then again,
a twisted path, may indeed be
the best route to where we
are supposed
to be.

Not a contradiction though
unless we want it to be.

Not today, thanks.

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