Monday, February 24, 2020

defying gravity.

So the highline trail goes along a narrow shoulder of a BIG chunk or rock and is very narrow.  deliberately it seems as it is not only a hiking trail but a double diamond bike trail and that makes things interesting.  Its up - maybe two or three hundred feet - not a sheer drop, but so steep you would not stop for a while if you went over the edge.  I did not, did that once in a different  canyon  not again....

the faint line off to the right in about the middle is a four lane highway.

self portrait in shadow,

Sunday, February 23, 2020

A rainy day and hummingbirds close up.

There is a rose bush near where we hung the feeder and the humming birds have taken to resting deep in it between feeds and feuds.

It happens to back up on latice on a covered part of the back patio which  serves as a blind though one with difficult angles for shots.... in any case  got some closeups, the light will be better today or tomorrow so expect more.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Several hikes, some without photos.

The latest of which was quite UP and had been photographed extensively by me a couple of times, so I traveled light.

But fear not, there are photos

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Off the trail - and ravens

I found a parking area out there and assumed there would be trails from it.

And there were, sorta, but quickly they became less, and less, and maybe a javalina walked here in the last couple of years, but I was near the rocks and the scenery was great.

Got cactus stuck some but no real damage and nice photos.

And then in the parking lot of Safeway, a supermarket, there were some ravens.
I'm not proud I'll take a photograph anywhere.


Friday, February 14, 2020

Down into Sycamore Canyon

The trailhead for this canyon is at the top near where the stream meets the Verde river, the initial hike is a steep descent of about 250 feet., after that it is pretty lush and flat.